Do you need to quickly get rid of the extra pounds that spoil your life? In that case, you are in the right place. We will tell you how to lose weight in just one week! All you need for the figure of your dreams is a balanced diet and strict adherence to the regimen!
The first rule is to eat strictly on time every day. You cannot eat satisfactorily once a day and think that you will lose weight quickly! Make sure that the interval between meals is not longer than 3 hours.
Rule two - hunger is your enemy. If you feel hungry during this week, eat!
This diet was developed by a well-known company. Many of its employees sat on it, who wanted to lose weight quickly and without strict diets. To get a meaningful effect, you need to take it seriously and follow all the rules.
Day 1. Fruit

This is the most important day of the program, because when you start the diet, you will continue it. On this day, you only need to eat fruit. Remove bananas from your diet and give watermelon and melon an advantage. Drink 8 to 12 glasses of water on the first day. If the feeling of hunger persists, you can increase the servings.
Day 2. Vegetables
Choose your favorite vegetables (boil or eat them raw). It is recommended to eat at least one serving of potatoes that day. You can safely use excess carrots, broccoli, cabbage, and lettuce.

Day 3. Fruits and Vegetables
On that day, you can eat the same foods as on Days 1 and 2, but it's important not to mix them up and eat them separately. Don't forget about water, 8-12 glasses a day.
Day 4. Banana milk day
On this day, you should eat at least 8 bananas and drink 2-3 glasses of milk. This day can be tough, but at night you will feel the benefits.
Day 5. Tomato
A holiday for tomato lovers, because for lunch you need to eat some rice, and for breakfast and dinner - 7 tomatoes.
Day 6. Vegetables
For breakfast - a cup of rice, during the day follow a vegetable-based diet (fruits and vegetables in the day).
Day 7. Mixed
On that day, you can have a small plate of rice with vegetables of your choice. It is necessary to drink everything with freshly squeezed fruit juices.
You can only repeat this diet once a month!
This diet is not only effective, but also helpful, it cleans the digestive system and that's why, once you quit, you won't gain any pounds again. If you strictly follow this diet, you will yourself notice how quickly all those extra pounds will go away and how you will become one step closer to the ideal body.