Yoga helps you lose weight: how exercise affects your figure

It is impossible to say unequivocally whether yoga helps you lose weight quickly, but according to reviews, it offers really visible results in body shaping work. In this process, an integrated approach is needed: do not forget about proper nutrition, massages, take care of the skin condition. Yoga, on the other hand, will ensure the harmony of soul and body, give motivation, which will direct the accumulated energy in the right direction. People who resort to these activities can be proud not only of a fit figure, but also of good health, accompanied by a good mood.

what is yoga

The cultures of different peoples have many differences, without becoming less interesting from there. In the modern world, their intertwining is possible, the introduction of elements into each other. Yoga is a representative of Indian culture which is a combination of physical, spiritual and mental. The purpose of this set of practices is to control the body's functions, which ultimately allows you to reach an exalted state.

The classical technique is considered more feminine than masculine. However, there is no evidence that yoga is not suitable for men without helping them lose weight. The postures of this gymnastics, supported by Eastern philosophy, are called asanas. Among them, there are those for which special training is required, while others are also available for beginners. Like any exercise that helps you lose weight, yoga loves consistency - exercise regularly and the effect will be!

Is it possible to lose weight with yoga

When starting any exercise course, be aware that you will have to go the hard way before you reach the result you are comfortable with. If you don't like what you're doing, you won't enjoy it, you'll start to be haunted by tiredness and the desire to give up everything immediately. The answer to the question of whether it is possible to lose weight with yoga depends on the following:

  • Your relationship with her. If you go to each class with joy, and not to quickly complete all the instructor's tasks and get one step closer to a slender figure, then yoga is yours!
  • Strict adherence to instructor requirements and correct performance of asanas. To avoid injuries, it is necessary to start with less difficult elements, gradually increasing the difficulty under the guidance of a coach.
  • Correct breathing. It is difficult to imagine a beautiful body acquired through practice without the ability to breathe properly. Breathing exercises are just as important as physical exercises.
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How many calories are burned

You want to remove excess fat, adjust the shape of your abdomen and hips as soon as possible. Do not forget that sport can only help in combination with a balanced and adequate diet. After asking if yoga helps with weight loss, anyone planning to start exercising is interested in the number of calories burned. Beginners are advised to start with the classic course. These exercises help to burn 250 to 400 kcal per hour. However, in exercise, joint development and muscle toning play a more important role than shedding the fat layer.

How does this affect the figure?

The benefits of any exercise for the body are undeniable. To find out how yoga affects your figure, you can talk to someone who has been doing it for a long time. If there is no such person in your environment, it will be interesting for you to familiarize yourself with the following list of positive effects of this eastern practice:

  • Spine strengthening. Gymnastics has a preventive effect on people suffering from back diseases.
  • Body flexibility. Stretching exercises performed during the session help the ligaments become more elastic.
  • Welfare. They say that a healthy mind can only be in a healthy body, but vice versa, this truth also works. Due to proper breathing, many processes in the body are normalized, ensuring your recovery and rejuvenation.

Yoga and weight loss

Sport helps to maintain a beautiful shape and, if necessary, can eliminate the extra pounds. It's definitely impossible to say if they lose weight with yoga. Since it depends on a specific person and their fulfillment of all conditions. However, if the student follows the rules, it will be useful to find that the exercise system has several varieties, from which you can lose more or less pounds. So that the result does not delay, it is necessary to practice under the supervision of an instructor at least for the first time.


An integrated approach to lessons helps to achieve harmony, which is no less important than a beautiful appearance. Hatha yoga means a combination of physical and mental means. A balanced diet is imperative when using this practice. It is permissible and sometimes it is simply necessary to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to performing asanas, it is necessary to monitor breathing, hand position and control sign language. You cannot practice this type of yoga without concentration and meditation.

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The dynamism of the movements is what will help to shake the body and remove excess fat. If you don't know if yoga helps you lose weight, choose the most active option, but don't neglect the follow-up of a trainer. Ashtanga yoga, being a subspecies of hatha, is distinguished by sets of movements called vinyasas, which are combined with a sequence of asanas. The main idea of this teaching is that the practitioner is obliged to abide by all the rules of the practice, not to adjust it for himself. Only in this case, ashtanga helps to lose weight and improve the health of the body.


Several millennia ago in India, a method was invented to perform asanas in an inverted fashion when a person was suspended in midair. Air yoga, which is gaining more and more popularity, helps muscles relax naturally. At the same time, in the process of changing the position of the body and adopting various postures, there is enough activity to lose weight. There is a healing and rejuvenation of the body due to the stimulation of blood circulation. This view is also good for the mental state: the relaxation gained by practicing in a suspended hammock helps with meditation.


Psychologist Dina Rodriguez, who has long championed hatha yoga, decided that a separate type of training was needed for women. Your goal should be to alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, treat insomnia, and reduce the effects of stress on the body. By stimulating the functions of the thyroid gland, ovaries, pituitary and adrenal glands, the production of hormones is activated. This combination of breathing exercises, asanas and gymnastics helps you lose weight, but you shouldn't expect impressive results. This type is more intended to increase the tone of the body.


There are varieties of the system that were invented and spread relatively recently. These include Power, which appeared in 1995 and vaguely resembles Ashtanga. The workout consists of several parts, separated by breathing exercises. Each block is a continuous execution of asanas, interspersed with intense ligaments. These workouts help to increase stamina. Activity of this kind, combined with proper breathing, nourishes the blood with oxygen.

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Sports clubs constantly practice introducing new interesting classes to attract customers. For example, for those wondering if yoga helps you lose weight, there is a fitness-prefixed version. By excluding the shortcomings of each of these directions, their synthesis is obtained, which is adequate for most people. Physical training has a significant downside is a frantic pace, and fitness yoga has a large meditative part. It takes place at a more relaxed pace, and meditation is spent here as much as physical exercise.

Lesson results

Whether the desired effect will be achieved depends on the individual and his aspirations. All types of yoga have a positive effect on the body, making joints flexible and muscles elastic. In addition, it will be an excellent aid in blood oxygenation. When asked if yoga will help you lose weight, instructors say exercising while following a bland diet normalizes digestion and stimulates metabolic processes. It is important to take pleasure in the process, so the result will definitely be!