Pool exercises are one of the most effective ways to lose weight. Playing water sports corrects your body quickly and efficiently without negatively affecting your health. The pool has a complex effect on the body, not only destroying fat deposits, but also improving the general condition.

Does the pool help you lose weight?
Scientifically proven slimming pool exercises. Water creates high resistance, which increases muscle tension during standard movements. At the same time, the joints and spine receive minimal stress. This condition guarantees the effect of being in the pool without risk of injury, regardless of whether the person knows how to swim.
During a measured dip in the pool, up to 600 kilocalories are burned for one hour. With intense exercise, this value can be increased to 1000 kcal. Regular training has a positive effect after a month in the pool.
Swimming does not apply to muscle gain. This sport tones the muscles and gives them resistance. Therefore, it is almost impossible to accidentally pump powerful arms or torso when trying to lose weight.
Swimming is popular due to a number of advantages:
- rapid effect of burning body fat;
- strengthening of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
- impact on almost all muscle groups;
- minimum number of contraindications;
- has a positive effect on flexibility, definition and posture.
For weight loss, it is recommended to exercise in the pool 8 to 12 times a month.
Benefits of training with a slimming pool
Swimming against being overweight is more effective for women than for men. Exercises in the pool consume more calories than running. Depending on the swimming style, the following is burned per class hour:
- 500 kilocalories - rabbit;
- 520 kilocalories - breaststroke;
- 560 kilocalories - on the back;
- 570 kcal - butterfly.
In addition to destroying body fat, swimming:
- prevents the development of flat feet;
- stimulates lung function;
- keeps women in physical condition;
- has a massage effect.

To burn excess weight, the temperature of the water in the pool must be between +24 and +28 degrees Celsius. During training, you need to switch styles. Before swimming, warm up: before immersion in water and after. In the initial stage, the duration of the training should be 30 minutes. In the future, class time goes up to 1 hour.
For weight loss, we recommend intensive swimming - at the beginning of training, slow and relaxing - at the end. After class, you should not eat food for an hour and a half to consolidate the effect.
You can make the most of your workout in the pool by combining swimming and water aerobics.
The best sets of exercises
The basic weight loss complex consists of swimming and water aerobics. Weight loss training for women and men is different. The following complex is provided for females:
- swim crawling for 10 minutes - warm-up phase;
- swim without legs for 5 minutes - load on arms, shoulders, chest muscles;
- alternating bracing and tracking for 10 minutes - the main stage;
- swim with a board for 10 minutes - load on the legs;
- swimming for 10 minutes with increasing speed - the main stage;
- slow swimming for 15 minutes in any style - the final stage for relaxation.
After swimming, it is recommended to do aqua aerobics, or to take steps underwater.
Training for men is carried out as follows:
- heating - 5 minutes;
- swim in any style with increasing speed - 5 minutes;
- swimming board using only your feet - 10 minutes; backstroke - 10 minutes;
- swimming with alternating rhythms of acceleration and deceleration - 15 minutes;
- slow and relaxing swimming in any style - 15 minutes.
The list of basic water aerobics exercises includes:
- jumping into the water;
- shakes the side of the pool;
- running in the water.
Water aerobics is usually supervised by a trainer. Self-practice is not recommended even for experienced swimmers.

Slimming belly
A comprehensive program has been developed to remove fatty deposits on the abdomen and sides, including:
- aquafitness; hydrogymnastics;
- ab exercises;
- exercises for the waist.
Aquafitness makes the skin even more elastic. This feature minimizes the risk of stretch marks after burning excess weight. Aquafitness includes the following exercises:
- running underwater, being in the pool up to the waist and above;
- push and pull the swimming board with your hands while in the pool up to your chest;
- swim back with legs.
Water aerobics provides the effect of loads of energy. It is recommended in addition to aquafitness, or for people who do not feel stressed by it. Water aerobics consists of a set of exercises:
- jumps into the water up to the neck with arms outstretched - you should try to touch your palms with your toes;
- jumps into the water up to the chest with legs wide apart - at the time of the jump, the legs are brought together and, when diving, are open as far as possible;
- Lift your legs up to your chest in the position of the henchman on his back in the water.
The water ab work includes two main exercises. They are highly effective, so they are recommended for almost everyone who visits the pool:
- simultaneous elevation of the legs to the chest while lying on your back in the water with your arms extended along your body;
- raising your legs with a fitball stuck between them, leaning back with your hands on the sides.
The number of repetitions for each exercise is individually adjustable. Between exercises, you must walk in the water. This action relaxes the muscles and creates a massage effect.
Waist slimming exercises are performed in depth, without touching the lower legs:
- upper body turns (at the moment of movement, to maintain balance, you can press your leg against your chest);
- alternate elevations from knee to elbow, holding hands behind head (allowed to do while in the pool up to the chest and touching the bottom).
To maximize muscle development, it is recommended to do the exercises listed together.
For slim legs
The leg training in the pool has two phases. In the first stage, simple warm-up exercises are performed. The second stage includes a set of actions that directly target fat burning and muscle training.
The warm-up phase is carried out as follows:
- spreading and bringing your feet in the water, holding on to the side;
- alternate legs swinging forward, standing in the water; steps in the water;
- bend the knee and raise the toe to the buttocks in the standing position;
- jumping on two legs back and forth.
These warm-up exercises are performed for 5 minutes. They can also be used in a training program. To do this, you need to increase the number of repetitions and the duration of each action.
For complex muscle training, apply:
- cross step with high intensity;
- high heels in place;
- stretching with one side.
The ideal number of repetitions for each exercise is 20 times. People with poor physical preparation can reduce the amount of exercise.
To slim your buttocks
Exercises designed to slim the buttocks work simultaneously on the hips. Therefore, the complex for these parts of the body is similar. Training is carried out in stages. First you need to enter the water up to your chest and then run:
- alternate crossing of arms and legs, maintaining a uniform posture;
- jumping in place with arms raised.
Then the steps in the water are performed. This exercise additionally trains the back muscles. The duration of the run is 15 to 20 minutes. To consolidate the effect, do:

- swing your legs with one side, staying in the water up to your neck;
- alternating leg goes up back to the buttocks;
- bike and scissors using pasta.
It is recommended to alternate the listed exercises with swimming. This sport is able to contract the buttocks and hips independently, forming a beautiful relief and eliminating fat deposits.
For relief printing
Abs are included in any exercise routine in the pool. The abdominal muscles have great resistance, so they need to be trained more often than others. To eliminate body fat and prevent its formation, the following exercises are performed:
- raising the legs straight at an angle;
- twisting the body;
- scissors, lying on your back in the water.
In the pool, you can do almost all of the same exercises used in a standard abs workout.
To achieve a high quality effect in a short period of time, it is necessary to switch the tempo when performing the same actions from fast to slow and vice versa.
In the presence of cellulite, a series of exercises are performed that affect different muscle groups. The task of training is to tone the whole body. The exercises are performed in four stages:
- first stage- creating and bringing your arms straight up to your neck in the water with your palms open, jumping in place on both legs for 2 minutes (alternating in severalapproaches);
- second stage- alternate the raised leg at a 45 degree angle, supporting your back on your side;
- third stage- jump on one leg with the other leg raised and arms extended (legs change alternately);
- fourth stage- knee flexion extended forward, with the other foot on the bottom of the pool.
The listed exercises can be accompanied by: torso turns, scissors, knee lifting, swings.
To effectively combat cellulite, water exercises must be alternated with swimming. It will take much longer to achieve a quality effect using exercise or swimming.
Aquatic aerobics
Water aerobics includes two phases: heating and main. The first stage consists of simple exercises:
- inhales and exhales with raised arms standing in the water;
- a mill with the help of the hands with movements in different directions (the hands are completely in the water);
- bends in different directions - the neck should not fall below the water level;
- jumping out of the water;
- bending the knee with a lift on the buttocks.
The warm-up phase is mandatory before moving on to the main one. The second stage includes physically challenging exercises that can cause injury if you skip the warm-up. The main exercises are:
- swing your legs up, sitting with your buttocks on the bottom of the pool with the water level up to your chest;
- jumps into the water from a squat (performed at minimum depth);
- scissors with feet in deep water up to the chest;
- waist rotation in the water, holding to the side.
Walk in the water between exercises during rest. Standing still can freeze. Water aerobics burns body fat three times a week.
Swimming pool training is an effective method to lose weight. Aquatic exercises include a set of exercises that aim to work the entire body. But for maximum effect with minimal health risk, training in the pool must be carried out strictly according to the instructions and under the supervision of a trainer.